Make a stand to improve the quality of life for those who served us.

About Our Program

OVERWATCH6 is a small, dedicated non-profit organization committed to funding stem cell therapy for our veterans and first responders. This support is made possible through participation in our outdoor skills and firearms training courses. By joining and attending one of our courses, you have the opportunity to enhance your proficiency with firearms in an outdoor setting and play a vital role in enhancing someone else’s quality of life. Many individuals who have chosen to serve have endured extensive physical strain, resulting in significant injuries and necessary surgeries. Stem cell therapy offers a proven solution to enhance the quality of life for eligible individuals without requiring extensive and prolonged recovery from surgery. Your involvement can help us in our mission to provide care and support to those who have selflessly dedicated their lives to watching over us. 


Kris Searles, the founder of OW-6, bravely served as an Army Infantryman and Sniper, but unfortunately, he was medically retired due to multiple injuries, with lower spinal injuries being the most severe. After enduring years of physical therapy and various forms of treatment, he decided to explore alternative options. This led him to consider stem cell injections at the site of the injury. The decision to undergo this innovative treatment significantly improved his quality of life, allowing him to regain mobility and reduce pain. Not only did Kris experience the positive impacts, but his friends and family also noticed the remarkable improvement in his overall well-being. Since then, he has been eager to share his inspiring story with fellow veterans and first responders, aiming to provide them with the same opportunities for a more active and fulfilling lifestyle that has brought him so much benefit. 

Kris has chosen to apply his extensive 20 years of training and experience gained through his service in the Army; and as a volunteer team leader and instructor of Tip Top Search & Rescue in Sublette County, WY. His aim is to share his knowledge and skills with individuals interested in advancing their proficiency in firearms and outdoor activities. This business model offers multiple benefits: the students not only receive instruction from exceptional mentors but also contribute to funding treatments for veterans and first responders through their course fees. Additionally, some of the instructors and coaches will have the opportunity to undergo stem cell therapy, enabling them to once again train and collaborate with driven individuals.